A while back I came across Jekyll Now - which was basically Jekyll but made it easier to create a Jekyll blog, by getting rid of a lot of the up front setup.

  • You don’t need to touch the command line
  • You don’t need to install/configure ruby, rvm/rbenv, ruby gems :relaxed:
  • You don’t need to install runtime dependencies like markdown processors, Pygments, etc
  • If you’re on Windows, this will make setting up Jekyll a lot easier
  • It’s easy to try out, you can just delete your forked repository if you don’t like it

In a few minutes you’ll be set up with a responsive blog / website hosted on Aerobatic

For the past couple of years - it hasn’t been update so I decided to do a bit of updating - basically for my own use but still make it available for others.

The good thing about Jekyll / Jekyll Now is that it is lightweight and not only for blogs but it is possible to develop fully functional web sites using it as a backbone. You can also host and deploy it free with Bitbucket and Github

With Jekyll Now REDUX , I have used a new theme - the same theme I have used for this blog for now but will at some point change it. I have also update the configuration slightly - giving a bit more functionality.

To get started is really simple:

Step 1)

Clone or download Jekyll Now to your desktop / development folder - or where ever you wish to work on your blog

Step 2)

Upload the contents of _site folder to your web host.

Step 3)

View your new website / blog.

As mentioned - with Bitbucket ( where I tend to host my personal projects ), you can also set up and run your site using Aerobatic.

If you fancy giving it a shot have a look at the Jekyll Now REDUX website where you can find the full instructions on how to set up your Jekyll Now REDUX website with Aerobatic or check it out on Bitbucket

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